RSD Advance Course - CompoPress
advance course
Price : ₹ 17999
Duration : 15-06-2024 : 16-06-2024
Course Type : advance course
Total Seat : 24
Available Seat : 20
Venue / Link : MUMBAI
Last Registeration Date : 10-06-2024
Topics Covered at RSD Advance Course( RSD CompoPress):-
1) Complete Understanding Of RSD Workflow & Concept.
2) Emotional Dentistry Concept Understanding with Live Motivational Test Drive.
3) Hands-On on Making Powerful Presentation for Motivating Patient For The Treatment.
4) CompoPress - The Concept & Philosophy - Advantage & Disadvantage with Case Selection.
5) Understand the Workflow of CompoPress with motivational & functional mockup.
6) Material Choice & Shade Selection.
7) Hands-On on Injectable Composite with Printed Models & Clear Silicon Index.
8) Case Discussions & Clinical Significance of template based dentistry.
9) Gateway to Futuristic AI Based 2D simulation software
10) RSD hand holding for all cases.

Dr. Aslam Inamdar / Dr. Mayank Doshi
Dr. Aslam lnamdar, the orofacial architect is an experienced clinician and technology enthusiast who completed his BDS from Nair Hospital Dental College, Mumbai in 2001.
He is extensively trained in DSD from Christian Coachman, Brazil.
Dr. Aslam is the first Indian to complete a diploma in SKIN CAD-CAM & 3D staining technique from Romania.
He is also the first Asian dentist to complete a diploma as a digital expert in Facial Esthetic Treatment Planning from JSI Spain.
He is a reputed clinician and national Speaker for digital dentistry and its clinical applications.
Dr. Aslam was awarded best aesthetic practitioner at Famdent multiple times and finally bestowed Superstar Dentist of the year 2019.
He has been consultant as smile specialist and Implantologist to various practices and is the brain behind building the Rich Smile Design concept and taking it to Dentists in India and worldwide.