RSD Surgical Guide Edentulous
Facially Driven Aesthetics, Aesthetically driven Prosthesis, and Prosthetically driven Implant planning are the USP of the RSD Surgical guide.
RSD planning bridges the gap between aesthetics and conventional prosthetically guided Implant surgery by integrating facially driven natural restoration planning.
RSD edentulous surgical guide facilitates All on X , All on 4+ cases to be performed with precision & integrating facially driven natural restoration planning.
For Edentulous ideal functional plan is highly recommended before Implant Planning.
WHAT IS THE RSD Surgical Guide Edentulous ?
Facially Driven Aesthetics, Aesthetically driven Prosthesis, and Prosthetically driven Implant planning are the USP of the RSD Surgical guide.
RSD planning bridges the gap between aesthetics and conventional prosthetically guided Implant surgery by integrating facially driven natural restoration planning.
RSD edentulous surgical guide facilitates All on X , All on 4+ cases to be performed with precision & integrating facially driven natural restoration planning.
For Edentulous ideal functional plan is highly recommended before Implant Planning.